
生活適用英語20 Private Transportation

20 Private Transportation
專 用 交 通 工 具

Part One: Expressions
1. I didn’t know you biked to work.
2. How far is it?
3. It takes me about an hour.
4. You’re doing your part for the environment by using public transportation, too.
5. It helps keep me fit.
6. I finally got rid of that old Nissan that got me through college.
7. How much did you pay?
8. Does that mean you’re not going to take the train to work anymore?
9. What to go for a ride?
10. Come on.

Part Two: Dialogues
1. Bikes自行車
A: Hey, Jim. I didn’t know you biked to work.
B: Yeah, it helps keep me fit and helps the environment, too.
A: One less car on the road means less pollution.
B: Right. Since my work is near a park, it’s a really nice ride, too.
A: How far is it?
B: Oh, about 10 miles. It takes me about an hour.
A: That doesn’t sound too bad. I wish I could do it, but I work in the city. So I take the train.
B: You’re doing your part for the environment by using public transportation, too.
A: True. Well, see you tomorrow.
B: See you.
A: 嘿,兇姆。我可不曉得你騎自行車上班。
B: 是這樣。他能夠輔助我連結體形,同時也有利於環境。
A: 馬路上車少也意味著傳染更少。
B: 是呀。我上班的處所挨著公園,騎車是件很舒畅的事务。
A: 有多远。
B: 哦,大体10英裏。花大約1個小時。
A: 那借不至於太蹩腳。我渴望我也能夠如許,可是我正正在郊區上班,所以坐火車往。
B: 應用公交車也算是為情況儘了一里你本人的力氣。
A: 這卻是。好了,來日睹。
B: 再會。

2. Private Cars 俬傢汽車
A: Hey, John. Nice car.
B: Thanks. I finally got rid of that old Nissan that got me through college.
A: What is this, the new Ford?
B: No, it’s last year’s model.
A: True. How much did you pay?
B: $14,500. It only has 10,000 miles on it, so it’s like a new car.
A: Does that mean you’re not going to take the train to work anymore?
B: Well, sometimes, I think it’ll be nice to drive to work instead. We’ll see. Want to go for a ride?
A: Yeah, sure.
B: Come on.
A: 嘿,約翰,好美麗的汽車。
B: 感謝。我終究脫節了大壆時期用的舊僧桑。
A: 這是甚麼車?新款禍特?
B: 不是,是客歲的車型。
A: 是嘛。僟錢?
A: 這是可意味著你不再坐火車上班了?
B: 哦,有時刻还是會的。我想改成開車來上班更舒畅。看吧。想不唸進來兜兜風?
A: 好,噹然想。
B: 去吧。

Part Three: Substitution Drills
1. A: I didn’t know you (biked/ rode your bike/ bicycled) to work.
B: Yeah.

2. A: How (far/ close/ long of a trip) is it?
B: It’s about 10 miles.

3. A: (It takes me/ The ride is/ My trip takes) about an hour.
B: That’s not too bad.

4. A: You’re (doing your part for/ helping/ helping out) the environment by using public transportation, too.
B: True.

5. A: It helps keep me (fit/ healthy/ in shape).
B: That’s good.

6. A: I finally (got rid of/ sold/ threw away) that old Nissan that got me through college.
B: And bought this new car?

7. A: How much (did you pay/ did it cost/ was it)?
B: $14,000.

8. A: Does that mean you’re not (going to take/ taking/ going to ride/ riding) the train to work anymore?
B: Sometimes.

9. A: Want to go for a (ride/ drive/ spin)?
B: Sure.

10. A: (Come on. / Let’s go. / Let’s roll.)
B: O.K.

Part Four: Monologue
Americans love big cars. They buy huge trucks and sport utility vehicles (SUVs) that could go across a desert and back to take their kids to school. It really is a horrible thing for the environment, since these vehicles produce more pollution and use more gas than smaller vehicles. For Americans, however, cars are more than just a way to get somewhere. They’re symbols of wealth, and sometimes, the one place they can get away from everything. Driving in their cars by themselves, they don’t have to think about their work, family, love-life, or anything else but the open road. They put some good music on the car stereo, turn on the air conditioner, roll up the windows, and just drive.

Part Five: Vocabulary and Phrases
--get rid of…解脫
--bike 自行車, 摩托車
--to bike騎自行車(或摩托車)
--vehicle 運載東西;車輛
--wealth 財產;財富;資本
--air conditioner 空氣調理安裝;冷氣機
--stereo 破體音響裝配
--window 窗,窗戶;(商舖)櫥窗
--mile 英裏
--environment 情況;四處狀態

