
President and Mrs. Bush Host State Dinner for Nations Governors - 英語演講

February 24, 2008

THE PRESIDENT: Good evening. Laura and I are honored to have you here and it's a pleasure to be here with a lot of friends. You know, I've developed a unique perspective on this event. For six years I sat and watched the President speak; for eight years I was the President and spoke. (Laughter.) And next year, I'll be watching on C-SPAN. (Laughter.)

I appreciate Tim Pawlenty and Ed Rendell, who serve as the chair and vice chair of the National Governors Association. I congratulate our two newest governors: Kentucky's Steve Beshear and Lousiana's Bobby Jindal. (Applause.) I might add, Jindal is not here, but he's ably represented by the First Lady of Louisiana, Supriya. (Applause,聽打.) And I congratulate Governor Haley Barbour of Mississippi, for his reelection. I want to thank the Vice President and Lynne Cheney for joining us. I also tell you how thankful I am and honored we are that Vince Gill and Amy Grant have e tonight to entertain us,日文翻譯. (Applause.)

I value our governors because our governors are some of the nation's foremost policy entrepreneurs,美加翻譯社. I appreciate what you do. I appreciate the sacrifice your families have made to serve America. It was in that spirit that Teddy Roosevelt hosted the first governors meeting here at the White House 100 years ago. I can't imagine what they were thinking about what America would look like a hundred years ago. And I'm not sure what people will think a hundred years from now. But I do know it makes sense to put wise policy in place in the meantime, so America can remain prosperous and strong and free. (Applause.)

And so tonight it's my honor to wele you all, and to offer a toast to the nation's governors.

(A toast is offered.)

END 7:33 P.M. EST

